• Three fashion designers

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    All images that are posted on this blog are taken by the contributors of this blog unless otherwise specified. Any images taken off of this site is allowed after permission is granted by one of the three contributors of this blog, but please credit properly.

    The image for our banner was found here on Visual Paradox.

The Birth of Within The Seams

Photos taken by Michelle (the ones of Michelle taken by Cing and Emily)

Hello and welcome to the birth of “Within The Seams,” brought to you by three fashion design students. Here we are going to blog about our whereabouts whether it be together or apart. Let’s start by introducing ourselves, but before we do that, shall we talk about what is going on in these photographs above?

Needing to buy fabric, the three of us decided to head over to Downtown Los Angeles and roam around the area looking for cheap accessories and affordable fabrics for the fashion show this upcoming June. After going through what seemed like endless parking issues, we managed to not only grab a bite (or drink) at Coffeebar, but we ended up scoring some amazing fabric over at Michael Levine’s Loft. We pushed our way through Santee Alley coming out successful with the jewelry that we needed and a few bags!

Now let’s get back to the introductions. The main photographer of this blog will be Michelle Huynh. You probably won’t see her often in photographs considering she’ll be the one taking the photos. She is also very awkward in front of cameras. You’ll have Cing Lun be our model and by model I mean she loves being the one in the photos, haha! Lastly, you’ll have Emily Siu who is the most fashionable out of the three (I mean she walked for 6 hours in those heels today…She’s nuts).

Our blog will take some time getting used to so bear with us as we transition it with links to our personal websites and what-have-you. I hope you enjoy reading about our day!

– Michelle